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I know there have been changes to Emergency Management alerts in this state, we live less than 20 miles from a nuclear power plant, was leaving yesterday afternoon for an appointment and received an alert, EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY! That’s all it said, so I’m thinking ok I’m already on the evacuation route designated for my area, get to my appointment not one person 15 minutes away has any idea about the alert. So I’ve got no information whatsoever about this alert, I’m looking, calling, not one person could help me. Late in the evening I learned it was a high wind alert and possibly a tornado warning ‼️ We DO NOT get EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY ! for tornadoes here, that just doesn’t happen this close to Oak Ridge and the power plant. They have fired whoever knew how to operate the Emergency Alert System because some people who lived next door didn’t even get the alert at all, you won’t believe where I found out what it was, Facebook 🤣. Someone on my counties page had her alert from her weather app. We’re screwed IMHO

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